C Program To Add Spaces In A String

C Program To Add Spaces In A String. If you are looking for C program to add space to a string, here in this tutorial we will help you to learn how to write a C program to add space to a string.

C Program to Add Spaces in a String

Learn how to write a C program to add spaces in a string. Writing C Program to add space to a string can be done using various techniques but here in this program, we show how to write a C program to adding spaces in a string in a proper way.

C Program to Add Spaces in a String Source Code

/* C Program to add spaces in a string - AddSpacesInString.C */
#include <iostream>
//#include <iomanip>
#include <cctype>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

//void fixPuct(string);
void fixPuct(string&);

int main()
 //char *statement; // don't mix C strings with C++
 //statement = new char [60];
 cout << "Enter a statement with Caps at start of each new word ..." << endl;
 // Enter a statement with Caps at start of each new word ...

string statement; // construct an empty C++ string
 if( getline(cin, statement) )
 //if (statement != NULL)
 //cout << "Enter a statement: ";
 //cin. getline(statement, 60);// see above re. using C++ strings with C++
 //getline( cin statement ); // see above re. using C++ strings with C++
 cout << "You entered " << '"' << statement << '"' << endl;

 cout << "Here it is fixed ...\n"
 << statement << endl;
 //delete [] statement;
 cout << "\nPress 'Enter' to continue/exit ... " << flush;
 getline( cin, statement );

//void fixPuct(string s)
void fixPuct(string& s) // Note: NEED to pass in by reference so calling string gets updated ...
 int size = s.size();
 string nLine(1, s[0]);
 for( int i=1; i<size; i++ )
 if( isupper(s[i]) )
 if( i > 0 && !isspace(s[i-1]) ) nLine += ' ';
 nLine += tolower(s[i]);
 else nLine += s[i];
 s = nLine;

C Program to Add Spaces in a String Output

Enter a statement with Caps at start of each new word …

TheBig BrownBear sat OnTheLittleBlueBox.

Here it is fixed …

The big brown bear sat on the little blue box.

Press ‘Enter’ to continue/exit …


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