Deployment in Python

Deployment in Python is another essential module which enables programmers in performing a range of tasks. Learn more about it here.

Deployment in Python: Uploading a Conda Package

Before starting you must have:

Anaconda installed on your system Account on Binstar If you are not using Anaconda 1.6+ install the binstar command line client:

conda install binstar
conda update binstar

If you are not using Anaconda the Binstar is also available on pypi:

$ pip install binstar

Now we can login:

$ binstar login

Test your login with the whoami command:

$ binstar whoami

We are going to be uploading a package with a simple ‘hello world’ function. To follow along start by getting my demonstration package repo from Github:

$ git clone

This a small directory that looks like this:

meta.yaml is the standard python build file and has our single hello_world() function.

The bld.bat,, and meta.yaml are scripts and metadata for the Conda package. You can read the Conda build page for more info on those three files and their purpose.

Now we create the package by running:

$ conda build test_package/

That is all it takes to create a Conda package.

The final step is uploading to binstar by copying and pasting the last line of the print out after running the conda build test_package/ command. On my system the command is:

$ binstar upload /home/xavier/anaconda/conda-bld/linux-64/test_package-0.1.0-py27_0.tar.bz2

Since it is your first time creating a package and release you will be prompted to fill out some text fields which could alternatively be done through the web app.

You will see a done printed out to confirm you have successfully uploaded your Conda package to Binstar.

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