SQL Server Security Tutorial from Coding compiler | SQL Server DBA Tutorial – Part 5, this blog is the fifth tutorial in the series, here you are going to learn about how SQL server security works. Before going to learn this tutorial, we recommend you to go through the previous SQL Server Restoration DBA Tutorial – Part 4.
Topics Covered in this SQL Server DBA Tutorial
- Security Basics
- Levels of Security
- Server level
- Database level
- Object level
- Security Processes
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Encryption
SQL Server Security
Security is the most important tasks for a DBA. we need control the access to sql server as well as provide security to the datal.
Levels of SQL Server Security
There are mainly 3 levels of security.
- Server level
- Database level
- Object level
Server level – Is the topmost level in connecting to sql server.
Database level – Once connected to the server. We need to provide security to user at database level.
Object level – Once connected to database, we need to provide security on database object like tables stored procedures etc.,
SQL Server Security Processes
For providing security we have 3 processes
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Encryption
Authentication, validating credentials on server authorization, permission to perform their operations.
1. Authentication:
Validating credentials (username and password) on
There are mainly 3 levels of security.
- Server level
- Database level
- Object level
Domain user, Database Administrators, other admins, developers will have windows login for
We need to provide security to
We have to validate both windows and
There are 2 types of authentication in sql server:
- Windows mode authentication
- Mixed mode authentication
1. Windows mode
It allows only window login users in this mode. It enforces only windows user to connect and access the databases. When we use highly restrict database we go with windows login. We do not provide access to external users if the data is highly restricted. This mode provides best security, it validates logins in active directory.
2. Mixed mode
This mode allows both windows and sql logins. Whenever any login tries to establish connection first it validate username and password in active directory. If login exists, establishes connection otherwise validation goes to syslogins of master database and verifies there. If logins exists it will establish a connection.
Whenever any request comes first we need to verify the login active directory. If it is not exist we need to create (or) ask active directory admins to create command for windows.
Create login [domain\login name] from windows
Authentication at database level:
Login account is a key to monitor means to connect to server. It’s a server level access.
We require another account called user account to access the databases inside the server. This is a database level access. We need to grant access for these user account on each database separately.
User mapping:
Every login account will be mapped with the user account. Wevery login will have a security is (SID). It’s a unique security number inside sql server to avoid duplication of logins using the SID of login account we’ll map to SID of user account. Now it establishes relationship between login account and user account. This is user mapping, one login account will mapped to one user account only we call this as one to one mapping.
Once the user mapping is created between login and user account,
Creating windows login:
Creating login loginname from windows
Creating sql server login:
For creating any login, it requires 4 properties
- Login name
- Password
- Default database
- Default language (optional)
Using T-sql:
sp-add login ‘login name’ ‘password’ ‘default database’
Example: sp-add login ‘sql 2012 admin’ ‘sql@12345’ ‘master’
Using GUI:
Go to security folder under management studio → Go to login → Right click on login → Select new login

Domain users will set these password policies. These policies will be enabled at window server level. We are using same policies for sql login also. Once we provide require properties to login we can enable password policy. What is minimum password length and complexity.
- Enforce password policy
We are using password policies which created at domain level
- Enforce password expiration
When this login is to be expire. It expires after specified days
- User must change at next login
Domain users create login and provides password we need to change the password in logging first time.
When user login next time sql server prompt a message to change the password.
Once all these details provided login will be created.
Once user connected to server, they should have permissions to perform / operating certain tasks. As a DBA we need to restrict the permissions by granting the roles, roles are set of privileges for connection server and to access the database.
Types of Authorization Roles
We have 2 types of roles
- Server role
- Database role
- Server role – Server role to perform
server side operations. We have 8 server roles and bydefault it will bepublic role. - Sysadmin: Top must privilege on the server, capable of doing
any thing on the server. DBA’s will have this role. - Server admin: Allows users to manage configurations on the server capable of start and stop services from configuration manager, server settings, memory configurations and shutdown of
sql server. - Setup admin: Setup admin capable of creating
linked server. It can run any setup (utilities) like replication, mirroring - Security admin: capable of creating new logins, delete logins and reset passwords. It has
ability to grant, revoke and deny permissions. - Process admin: Monitors the process running under
task bar , capable of killingproblematic process - Disk admin: Manages storage, if any new device
need to add, it has permission to addnew drive to the server. - Bulk admin: capable
to performing bulk inserts and updates. - DB creator: This role is capable of creating databases. It can alter and drop. Taking backups and restore.
- Public: The default role that server role consists of
- Using T-
sql : sp-addsrv role member ‘loginname’ ‘privilege’ Example: sp-add server role member ‘empadmin ’ ‘sysadmin’
Database roles:
DB – owner: DB owner is capable of doing anything on
DB – data reader – He can run select queries on all tables, only read activities.
DB – data writer – He can perform insert/update/delete data in the database.
DB – deny
DB – deny data writer: He cannot able to write data on restricted databases.
DB – DDL admin: He can able to create/after/drop the tables and other objects.
DB – access admin: He cannot able to create (or) modify any user role. He can grant only roles and remove access to other users.
Backup operator: He can able to take backup of databases
Public: This is default role on database level.
Using T-sql command – sp-add role member ‘username’ ‘rolename’
Example: sp-add role member ‘Testadmin’ ‘DB-owner’
Using GUI:
Flexible roles are the roles to create group of users in terms of functionality.
Sql server 2012 introduces contained databases,
There are 2 types of Authentication in this,
- Contained databases users with passwords, stores all the passwords with in contained database.
- Contained databases windows is similar to windows login.
Object level:
We need to identify 3 things in providing object level access.
- Principles are login accounts to whom we are rating permissions. Login accounts and user account comes under principals.
- Privileges, how we granting permissions to access objects.
- Securables, on which object we are granting tables, stored procedures and views.
Through T-SQL
Grant/revoke permissions on securable to principals.
Example: Grant insert on dbo.sqltest to empadmin
Through Users:
Go to users under database → go to properties → go to securables → select objects from search → object types provides list of objects tables, views etc.
Select them → provide permissions and click OK.
Using encryption we can protect the confidential data while transferring data through networks. It restricts hackers to access data.
- Encryption using certificate.
- Encryption using asymmetric keys.
- Encryption using symmetric keys.
Certificate encryption is used to identify users, devices and organization certification authorities generate these certificates to provide the securing sql service will use these certificates and encrypt data.
Asymmetric keys uses a public key that encrypt data before sending data private decrypts that message after receiving. Here we have 2 keys in encryption.
Symmetric key uses same key to encrypt and decrypt the data.
Transparent data encryption(TDE):
TDE is a sql server 2012 enhanced feature that allows encryption of data in better way.
Related SQL Server Tutorials and Interview Questions
SQL Server DBA Tutorial – Part 1
SQL Server DBA Tutorial – Part 2.
SQL Server DBA Tutorial – Part 3
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