Django Interview Questions And Answers

Django Interview Questions And Answers prepared from Codingcompiler experts. These DJango Interview Questions were asked in various interviews conducted by top multinational companies across the globe. We hope that these interview questions on Django will help you in cracking your next job interview. All the best and happy learning.

In this article, you’ll learn

Django Interview Questions
Django Interview Questions And Answers
Advanced Django interview Questions And Answers
The Best Django Interview Questions And Answers

Django Interview Questions

  1. What is Django?
  2. Name some companies that make use of Django?
  3. What are the features of Django? 
  4. What are ‘Models’?
  5. What are ‘views’?
  6. Which architectural pattern does Django Follow?
  7. Explain the architecture of Django?
  8. Is Django stable?
  9. What are the advantages of using Django for web development?
  10. What is the difference between a Project and an App?

Django Interview Questions And Answers

Q. What is Django?

Answer: Django is a web development framework that was developed in a fast-paced newsroom. It is a free and open-source framework that was  named after Django Reinhardt who was a jazz guitarist from the 1930s. Django is maintained by a non-profit organization called the Django Software Foundation. The main goal of Django is to enable Web Development quickly and with ease.

Q. Name some companies that make use of Django?

Answer Some of the companies that make use of Django are Instagram, DISCUS, Mozilla Firefox, YouTube, Pinterest, Reddit, etc.

Q. What are the features of Django? 


  • SEO Optimized
  • Extremely fast
  • Fully loaded framework that comes along with authentications, content administrations, RSS feeds, etc.
  • Very secure thereby helping developers avoid common security mistakes such as cross-site request forgery (csrf), clickjacking, cross-site scripting, etc.
  • It is exceptionally scalable which in turn helps meet the heaviest traffic demands.
  • Immensely versatile which allows you to develop any kind of websites

Q. What are ‘Models’?

Answer: Models are a single and definitive source for information about your data. It consists of all the essential fields and behaviors of the data you have stored. Often, each model will map to a single specific database table.

In Django, models serve as the abstraction layer that is used for structuring and manipulating your data. Django models are a subclass of the django.db.models.Model class and the attributes in the models represent database fields.

Q. What are ‘views’?

Answer: Django views serve the purpose of encapsulation. They encapsulate the logic liable for processing a user’s request and for returning the response back to the user. Views in Django either return an HttpResponse or raise an exception such as Http404. HttpResponse contains the objects that consist of the content that is to be rendered to the user. Views can also be used to perform tasks such as read records from the database, delegate to the templates, generate a PDF file, etc.

Q.  Which architectural pattern does Django Follow?

Ans: Django follows Model-View Controller (MVC) architectural pattern.

Q. Explain the architecture of Django?

Ans: Django is based on MVC architecture. It contains the following layers:

  • Models: It describes the database schema and data structure.
  • Views: The view layer is a user interface. It controls what a user sees, the view retrieves data from appropriate models and execute any calculation made to the data and pass it to the template.
  • Templates: It determines how the user sees it. It describes how the data received from the views should be changed or formatted for display on the page.
  • Controller: Controller is the heart of the system. It handles requests and responses, setting up database connections and loading add-ons. It specifies the Django framework and URL parsing.

Q.  Is Django stable?

Ans: Yes, Django is quite stable. Many companies like Disqus, Instagram, Pinterest, and Mozilla have been using Django for many years.

Q. What are the advantages of using Django for web development?


  •  It facilitates you to divide code modules into logical groups to make it flexible to change.
  • It provides auto-generated web admin to make website administration easy.
  • It provides pre-packaged API for common user tasks.
  • It provides template system to define HTML template for your web page to avoid code duplication.
  • It enables you to define what URL is for a given function.
  • It enables you to separate business logic from the HTML.

Advanced Django interview Questions And Answers

Q. What is the difference between a Project and an App?

Answer: An app is basically a Web Application that is created to do something for example, a database of employee records. A project, on the other hand, is a collection of apps of some particular website. Therefore, a single project can consist of ‘n’ number of apps and a single app can be in multiple projects.

Q. What does the Django templates contain?

Ans: A template is a simple text file. It can create any text-based format like XML, CSV, HTML, etc. A template contains variables that get replaced with values when the template is evaluated and tags (%tag%) that controls the logic of the template.

Q. Is Django a content management system (CMS)?

Ans: No, Django is not a CMS. Instead, it is a Web framework and a programming tool that makes you able to build websites.

Q. What is the use of session framework in Django?

Ans: The session framework facilitates you to store and retrieve arbitrary data on a per-site visitor basis. It stores data on the server side and abstracts the receiving and sending of cookies. Session can be implemented through a piece of middleware.

Q. How can you set up static files in Django?

Ans: There are three main things required to set up static files in Django:


2. run collectsatic

3. set up a Static Files entry on the PythonAnywhere web tab.

Q. Is Django a CMS i.e. content management system?

Ans. No, Django is not a CMS. But, it is a Web framework and a programming tool that makes you able to build websites.

Q. How is Django’s code reusability feature different from other frameworks?

Ans. Django framework offers more code-reusability then other frameworks out there. As Django Project is a collection of different applications like login application, signup application. These applications can be just copied from one directory to another with some tweaks to file and you won’t need to write new signup application from scratch.

That’s why Django is a rapid development framework and this level of code reusability is not there in other frameworks.

Q. What happens when a typical Django website gets a request? Explain.

Ans. When a user enters a URL in the browser the same request is received by the Django Server. The server then looks for the match of the requested URL in its URL-config and if the URL matches, it returns the corresponding view function. It will then request the data from the Model of that application, if any data is required and pass it to the corresponding template which is then rendered in the browser, otherwise, a 404 error is returned.

The Best Django Interview Questions And Answers

Q. What is the Controller in the MVC framework of Django?

Ans. As Django implements in MTV framework, these three components communicate with each other via the controller and that controller is actually Django framework. Django framework does the controlling part itself.

Q. Briefly explain Django Field Class.

Answer: ‘Field’ is basically an abstract class that actually represents a column in the database table. The Field class, is in turn, a subclass of  RegisterLookupMixin. In Django, these fields are used to create database tables (db_type()) which are used to map Python types to the database using get_prep_value() and vice versa using from_db_value() method. Therefore, fields are fundamental pieces in different Django APIs such as models and querysets.

Q. How to do you create a Django project?

Answer: To create a Django project, cd into the directory where you would like to create your project and type the following command:

django-admin startproject xyz

NOTE: Here, xyz is the name of the project. You can give any name that you desire.

Q. Is Django’s Admin Interface customizable? If yes, then How?

Ans. Django’s Admin is just one of the applications and very customizable, also you can download a different third-party application and install it for a totally different view.

You can make your own Admin Application if you want complete control over your Admin.

Although you can customize the Django Admin site like changing the properties of object. We can also make some changes in particular models and apply them in our Django Admin for particular apps like we can add a search bar for particular applications. The Django Admin Interface is fully customizable to the lowest level, but instead of customizing that much, we can rather create a new Admin Interface. So those who don’t like Django Admin Interface, prefer making a new one from scratch then editing the previous one.

Q. What are the two important parameters in signals?

Ans. Two important parameters in signals are:

  • Receiver: It specifies the callback function which connected to the signal.
  • Sender: It specifies a particular sender from where a signal is received.

Q. What are the roles of receiver and sender in signals?


  • The receiver is the callback function which will be connected to a signal
  • The sender specifies a particular sender to receive signals from

Q. What does Django templates contain ?

Ans: Django templates contains the static parts of the desired HTML output as well as some special syntax describing how dynamic content will be inserted.

Q. How to create super user in django ?

Answer: To create a super user,,

Create project using the django-admin startproject command.

Move into the project location and run python makemigrations && python migrate && python createsuperuser.

Q. How to create simple application in django ?

Answer: To create a simple application  use the command django-admin startproject followed by the application’s name.

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