Top 4 Technology Trends That Are Transforming The World In 2019

Top 4 Technology Trends that are transforming the world in 2019 and beyond from Codingcompiler. “Nothing is permanent except change,” declared Heraclitus of Ephesus at the end of the sixth century. And this obviously applies to the technology industry. In 2006, Google counted 100 million searches every day around the world. And that already seemed huge at that time. Today, we do 4.5 billion searches a day, 45 times more, which shows how the digital revolution continues to sweep the planet and sink deeper and deeper into our daily lives.

Top Tech Trends For Future

It took 38 years on the radio to reach an audience of 50 million users. Television did the same in 13 years. The iPhone took just 3.5 years. For Facebook 2 years. And two summers ago, the Pokémon Go app did it in just 19 days.

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But when it comes to professions, the real revolution does not happen in Internet research or in the media. It’s in the data that everything happens.

There are now 2.5 quintillion bytes of data created each day. And 90% of all the data that exists today in the world has been created in the last two years alone. And all this data that has been created in the last two years is more than all the data in human history.

Why Because we capture, record, and digitize more of the human experience than we thought imaginable. And that has major implications for global business, personal freedoms and the way we organize society.

Here are four of the technology trends that are causing the most disruption and change right now. These are the areas of greatest concern to the brains of technologists and professionals, and they are the ones that capture the most investment.

Top Technology Trends That Are Transforming The World

Here we listed top technological trends that can transform the world in 2018 and beyond.

1. Artificial Intelligence

When we think of artificial intelligence, we always tend to think of Terminator or Ex Machina and our fear that AI and robots may one day eradicate humanity. Even technology icons like Bill Gates and Elon Musk sometimes peddle irrational stories and disastrous warnings about it. But the biggest problem with AI today is not that it’s too smart. The problem is that it is too rudimentary to be useful in many cases.

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One of the little secrets of AI and machine learning is that they are so bad for managing ambiguity, gray areas and understanding the data context that many companies have to engage armies of human beings to do sorting the data, cleaning the data and preparing the data needed to feed the algorithms into perfect data so that they can do their job.

From a business perspective, artificial intelligence is about automation, prescriptive analysis, business process automation, and efficiency. That’s why the AI solution market is expected to reach $ 47 billion by 2020.

However, keep in mind that the Big Data market – because the AI needs data in large numbers to perform analysis – will reach more than $ 200 billion by 2020.

This helps to put into perspective the fact that AI is still very nascent as a business solution. Nevertheless, the best way to finance your startup is to call it an “AI-oriented startup” – whether it’s for delivering dog food, building a selfie drone, or creating an app for organizing your agenda.

In the last two years, I spent a week in Beijing and a week in Paris – two of the most connected ecosystems outside of Silicon Valley. I spoke with VCs, entrepreneurs and incubator managers. And I found that 50% of start-ups are banking on AI. The same thing happens in Northern California – because a lot of the money is spent on AI solutions.

The big gamble: to hope that AI will automate routine tasks, identify inefficiencies that penalize us, help us solve some of our most intractable problems. And that’s why it’s number one on this list of technologies of the moment.

2. Cybersecurity

If you read the news about technology every day, the most common topic is cybersecurity. Whether it’s the latest security breach in a company or government agency, the new vulnerability in popular software, or a lax security practice of a company; it is clear that the cybersecurity chart is particularly sad.

The problem is that the technology industry has been so focused on innovation in recent decades that security has been neglected too often. While this has improved over the last few years and many companies are now designing safer products, the products that attackers target are generally not the most recent and best-performing products.

This is why the problem is likely to get worse. We still have a lot of cyber debt to pay.

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That’s why it’s up to everyone – technology providers, businesses and individuals – to take cybersecurity best practices much more seriously. With the technological revolution in all sectors of society, cybersecurity is no longer just a question of embarrassment or loss of money.

It reaches the level of national security and public security risks, and as attackers can use all kinds of unprotected systems to launch their attacks, it is up to everyone to play their part.

3. The Internet of Things

For most of its history, the technological revolution has been about things like computers, smartphones and digital cameras. Today, however, technology is permeating everything from cars to home appliances to drones, street lighting and security cameras. This is the consequence of the Internet of Things.

The Internet of Things brings new capabilities to many objects. These are mainly sensors collecting data, which allows us to measure and quantify things in a way that was not possible before. And once we can measure and monitor things, we can manage them. For example, we can find inefficiencies that we did not know existed and optimized.

There are currently more than 15 billion IoT devices in the world, and this number is expected to reach more than 30 billion by 2020 and 75 billion by 2025. The amount of investment in IoT should reach 1, US $ 3 trillion by 2020 (five times the combined expenditures on artificial intelligence and big data). It is in this sector that the most money will be spent in the coming years.

4. The digital transformation

It is the buzzword, more than any other buzzword, that shakes businesses and industries. Nevertheless, while the other three elements of this list are all technologies, this one is not. We are here more in the concept.

The company is talking with the digital transformation of a better IT-business alignment. The digital transformation has finally become the catalyst – and the rallying cry – that is trying to make this alignment, which has been crying out for years, possible. IT managers use it to make understandable the impact of IT (and technological advances) on trades for all members of the organization.

For example, in the past, an ISD could approach the executive committee of its organization to request an investment in servers for $ 1.5 million, which would allow new real-time analytical capabilities in the field. ‘business.

Now, this same CIO is launching a $ 1.5 million digital transformation project that will save $ 2 million by streamlining part of the business and generating $ 1 million in additional revenue in another part of the business. the company by speeding up the ordering process.

No server is ever mentioned. The first project was unlikely to succeed. Convincing with the second is much easier.

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