Cucumber Interview Questions And Answers [Latest]

Cucumber Interview Questions And Answers for experienced professionals from Codingcompiler. These Cucumber interview questions were asked in various interviews conducted by top multinational companies across the globe. We hope that these interview questions on Cucumber will help you in cracking your job interview. All the best and happy learning.

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Cucumber Interview Question
Cucumber Interview Questions and Answers
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Cucumber Interview Question

1. What is Cucumber and explain it?
2. What language is used by Cucumber?

3. What are the different scenarios in the Cucumber tool?
4. What is a test framework?

5. What are the apparent advantages of a test framework?
6. What is a profile in cucumber?
7. What are the features in Cucumber?
8. What is meant by a feature file?
9. What programming language is used by Cucumber?
10. Cucumber Execution Starts From Where?

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Cucumber Interview Questions and Answers

1. What is Cucumber and explain it?


Cucumber is an automation testing framework used to test the software applications easily without any programming skills and reduces the effort and increases the quality of testing. This is an open-source tool and supports plain English language specifications for the testing requirements. Other technical methods to use the programming languages are Java, .NET and other platforms. The cucumber specifications contain different scenarios and examples.

 2. What language is used by Cucumber?

Gherkin is the language that is used by the Cucumber tool. It is a simple English representation of the application behavior. Gherkin language uses several keywords to describe the behavior of applications such as Feature, Scenario, Scenario Outline, Given, When, Then, etc.

3. What are the different scenarios in the Cucumber tool?


The different scenarios used in Cucumber are 1. Given (some initial context) 2. When (an event occurs) 3. Then (ensure some outcomes). Scenarios will be initially described in natural language. The scenarios, when added with the definition of steps, will be called as Scenarios. The scenarios can be run individually or can be integrated with other features to test the integration functionalities. The scenarios in the Cucumber will be written by Gherkin syntax which is a language for writing Cucumber automation test specifications.

4. What is a test framework?

Answer: In general, a framework is an entity that binds several modules in a logical sequence to cover the end-to-end flows of an application. The objective of investing in a framework is to test a product that has a recurring roadmap and a regular release cycle.

5. What are the apparent advantages of a test framework?

Answer: The following are the possible benefits of using a test framework.

1- It reduces the complexity of using a variety of technologies inculcated in a product.
2- It organizes the unit and functional testing efforts of a developer and tester.
3- Provides early feedback on the quality of the code.
4- Helps in tracking test coverage as well as code coverage.
5- Results in easy debugging and reduces the chances of errors.

6. What is a profile in cucumber?

Answer: You can create Cucumber profiles to run a set of features and step definitions. Use the following command to execute a cucumber profile.

cucumber features -p <profile_name>
#Example: cucumber features -p acceptance

7. What are the features in Cucumber?


This is the most common cucumber interview questions. A feature can be defined as a unit or functionality or part of a project which is an independent functionality of the project. A feature contains a group of scenarios that are to be tested as a feature. There are two parts in a feature in Cucumber tool which is called feature files having scenarios in it and the feature files containing automation steps or procedure to be executed. An example of a feature can be a login functionality of a website or chat functionality of a website, a news feed of a website, etc.

8. What is meant by a feature file?

Ans: A feature file must provide a high-level description of an Application Under Test (AUT). The first line of the feature file must start with the keyword ‘Feature’ following the description of the application under test.

A feature file may include multiple scenarios within the same file. A feature file has the extension .feature.

9. What programming language is used by Cucumber?

Ans: Cucumber tool provides support for multiple programming languages such as Java, .Net, Ruby, etc. It can also be integrated with multiple tools such as Selenium, Capybara, etc.

10. Cucumber Execution Starts From Where?

Answer :

Cucumber execution will start from support. In support first, it will load the env.rb file then it will load hooks.rb and then it will start to execute feature file scenario steps.

11. What Is Support, Env.rb And Hooks.rb ?

Answer :

Support is a foder where we can setup cucumber related support.
Env.rb file will be used to load the required libraries for cucumber scenario execution
hooks.rb we will add hooks like before, after, before step and after step hooks.

12. What is Scenario Outline in Cucumber?


This is the most asked cucumber interview questions. A scenario outline replaces an identifier with the actual value from the table. Each row can be considered as a scenario. A feature file is more time taking a task and is more error-prone in testing. The same feature file can be reduced to fewer lines for execution in the scenario outline feature to increase the efficiency and decreases the runtime.

13. What are the various keywords that are used in Cucumber for writing a scenario?

Ans: Mentioned below are the keywords that are used for writing a scenario:

  • Given
  • When
  • Then
  • And

14. What is the purpose of the Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) methodology in the real world?

Ans: BDD is a methodology to understand the functionality of an application in simple plain text representation.

The main aim of Behavior Driven Development framework is to make various project roles such as Business Analysts, Quality Assurance, Developers, Support Teams understand the application without diving deep into the technical aspects.

15. What Are Before, After, Beforestep And Afterstep Hooks?

Answer :

Before: execute before the feature file execution
After: executes after the feature file execution
BeforeStep: executes before the each step execution
AfterStep: executes after the each step execution

16. What are the advantages of Cucumber?


The cucumber tests are written based on the user’s point of view. The scenarios in the testing will be covered by all the team members, product owners, business analysts, test analysts, developers etc., to implement the automation efficiently. The code reusability can be achieved. The primary advantage of Cucumber is its support of Behaviour Driven Development approach in testing. This tool helps in eliminating the gap between different technical and non-technical members of the team. It provides collaborative and inclusion with the team. Streamlining and artifacts will be in line with the project expectations and requirements. Adaptability will be high in case of major changes to the functional or behavioral requirements.

17. Explain about and, but keywords in Cucumber?


“And” is used to combine two or more same type of action.

Cucumber steps beginning with “And” or “But” are exactly the same as all other steps.


      Given one thing
      And another thing
      When I open my eyes
      Then I see something
      But I don’t see anything else

18. What do you mean by grouping in Cucumber?

Answer: Cucumber will not take care how you name your step definition files and what step definitions you put in which file.

You can create steps.rb file for each Major operation / Features instead of keeping all steps in a single file. This process is called a grouping.


Under features folder

19. What do you mean by tag in Cucumber?

Answer: Tags are the sticky notes you’ve put on pages you want to be able to find easily. 

You tag a scenario by putting a word prefixed with the @ character on the line before the Scenario keyword.

If you want to tag all the scenarios in a feature at once, just tag the Feature element at the top, and all the scenarios will inherit the tag.

You can attach multiple tags to the same scenario, separated with spaces.


@adding @two @numbers
Feature: Adding
Scenario Outline: Add two numbers

20. Name any 3 popular BDD testing tools?



21. What is the difference between cucumber, JBehave, and Specflow?


Cucumber is a Ruby based framework
JBehave is a JAVA based framework
Specflow is a .NET based framework

22. What is a feature file?


Feature file is an entry point of Cucumber execution. Cucumber scenarios are written inside the feature file using a plain-text language called Gherkin. It can contain a scenario or multiple scenarios. All the acceptance tests are written in feature file using Given-When-Then statements.

23. What is the language used to write a scenario in feature file?

Answer: Gherkin is a plain-text language used to write cucumber scenario in the feature file. Gherkin is a business readable, domain-specific language used to describe the behavior of software application from user’s perspective so that its easy for non-programmers to read and collaborate.

24.  What are the keywords used in Feature file?


  • Feature
  • Background
  • Scenario
  • Scenario Outline
  • Given
  • When
  • Then
  • And
  • But


Answer: Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) is a methodology which uses the performance and behaviour of the application for its development.


Answer: Some other BDD tools, except Cucumber, are as follows:


27. How can any scenario in the feature file be written?

The Cucumber test scenarios are written with the help of a very simple language in the feature file. This language is known as Gherkin. This simple programming language is also business readable. The behavior and how the software developmental process works are all described with the help of this language. It is specific to a particular domain of programming and all these are described from the perspective of a user. Hence, easy collaboration can be done by non-programmers too and can be easily read.


Answer: Plain English with Gherkin.


Answer: Cucumber supports .Net, Java, and Ruby.

30. Name any two testing frameworks that can be integrated with Cucumber?



31. Name any two build management tools that can be integrated with Cucumber?



32. What software do you need to run cucumber in JAVA?

Eclipse or IntelliJ IDE
Gradle or Maven build tool
Junit or TestNG testing framework
Selenium (To automate browser)

33. Name any advanced framework design that can be used with Cucumber?


  • Page Object Model
  • Log4j
  • Extent Reporting
  • Dependency Injection (Example: Pico Container)
  • Object Repository

34.Explain test harness in Cucumber?


A test harness for Cucumber and rspec allows for separating responsibility between setting up the context and interacting with the browser and cleaning up the step definition files.

35. What are the differences between JBehave and Cucumber?

Answer: Although Cucumber and JBehave are meant for the same purpose, acceptance tests are completely different frameworks:

JBehave is pure Java Framework, and Cucumber is Ruby-based.

JBehave are based on stories while Cucumber is based on features.

36. In what ways does the Cucumber execution start? What are the variously advanced frameworks used with the Cucumber development tool?  

Answer: Support is the place from where the execution of Cucumber test starts. The software which requires testing is mainly prioritized by the Cucumber software development tool. For the execution of the process of testing, the file gets loaded at first in Support and it is generally the env.rb file. Then the hooks.rb file gets loaded. Finally, the steps of the scenarios get executed from the feature file. Cucumber testing tool executes its work with the help of all these folders, commands and keywords. Support is considered to be very important in this respect.  

The following are the advancement frameworks available with the Cucumber tools –  

1. Page Object Model  
2. Object Repository 
3. Extent Reporting  
4. Dependency Injection 
5. Log4j

37. How to run Cucumber tests in parallel?

Answer: Parallel tests can be run in Cucumber using the Cucumber JVM Parallel Plugin that can be used with Serenity BDD. The plugin will search for feature files in under the src/test/resources directory. It will then make runners for each file.

38.What are the prereqs for building a Selenium Cucumber automation framework?

Answer: You might like to consider the following facts while creating a productive and scalable test framework:

  • Identify the type of application you are going to test. Is it a Web app, support mobile devices or runs on a desktop.
  • Would it require backend testing? e.g. Databases or SDK.
  • Do you need to test the app for internationalization?
  • It must have a report which can help you trace a failure with minimum efforts.
  • It must support the auto-generation of parametrization tests.
  • Have a config file to define any setup related settings or global properties.
  • Apply abstraction at every level to separate the functionality.

39. What are the steps to generate a report in Cucumber?


We run the following command to produce HTML reports.

cucumber .feature –format HTML –out report.html –format pretty

40. What is the right way to execute a specific scenario from the feature file?


We can select the target scenario from a feature file by providing its line number.

cucumber features/test.feature:10 –format HTML > testfeature.html

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