Copying data
CoSpy a dictionary
A dictionary object has the method copy. It performs a shallow copy of the dictionary.
d1 = {1:[]}
d2 = d1.copy()
d1 is d2 False
d1[1] is d2[1]
Performing a shallow copy
A shallow copy is a copy of a collection without performing a copy of its elements.
import copy
c = [[1,2]]
d = copy.copy(c)
c is d
c[0] is d[0]
Performing a deep copy
If you have nested lists, it is desirable to clone the nested lists as well. This action is called deep copy.
import copy
c = [[1,2]]
d = copy.deepcopy(c)
c is d
c[0] is d[0] False
Performing a shallow copy of a list
You can create shallow copies of lists using slices.
l1 = [1,2,3]
l2 = l1[:]# Perform the shallow copy.
l1 is l2 False
Copy a set
Sets also have a copymethod. You can use this method to perform a shallow copy.
s1 = {()} s2 = s1.copy() s1 is s2
s2 {3,[]}
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