Regular Expressions (Regex): Python makes regular expressions available through the re module.
Regular expressions are combinations of characters that are interpreted as rules for matching substrings. For instance, the expression ‘amount\D+\d+’ will match any string composed by the word amount plus an integral number, separated by one or more non-digits, such as:amount=100, amount is 3, amount is equal to: 33, etc.
Matching the beginning of a string
The first argument of re.match() is the regular expression, the second is the string to match:
import re
pattern = r"123"
string = "123zzb"
re.match(pattern, string)
Out: <_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(0, 3), match=’123′>
match = re.match(pattern, string)
Out: ‘123’
You may notice that the pattern variable is a string prefixed with r, which indicates that the string is a raw string literal.
A raw string literal has a slightly different syntax than a string literal, namely a backslash \ in a raw string literal means “just a backslash” and there’s no need for doubling up backlashes to escape “escape sequences” such as newlines (\n), tabs (\t), backspaces (), form-feeds (\r), and so on. In normal string literals, each backslash must be doubled up to avoid being taken as the start of an escape sequence.
Hence, r”\n” is a string of 2 characters: \ and n. Regex patterns also use backslashes, e.g. \d refers to any digit character. We can avoid having to double escape our strings (“\d”) by using raw strings (r”\d”).
For instance:
string = "\t123zzb" # here the backslash is escaped, so there's no tab, just '\' and 't' pattern = "\t123" # this will match \t (escaping the backslash) followed by 123 re.match(pattern, string).group() # no match
re.match(pattern, "\t123zzb").group() # matches '\t123'
pattern = r"\t123"
re.match(pattern, string).group() # matches '\t123'
Matching is done from the start of the string only. If you want to match anywhere use instead:
match = re.match(r"(123)", "a123zzb")
match is None
Out: True
match ="(123)", "a123zzb")
Out: ‘123’
pattern = r"(your base)"
sentence = "All your base are belong to us."
match =, sentence)
Out: ‘your base’
match ="(belong.*)", sentence)
Out: ‘belong to us.’
Searching is done anywhere in the string unlike re.match. You can also use re.findall.
You can also search at the beginning of the string (use ^),
match ="^123", "123zzb")
Out: ‘123’
match ="^123", "a123zzb")
match is None
Out: True
at the end of the string (use $),
match ="123$", "zzb123")
Out: ‘123’
match ="123$", "123zzb")
match is None
Out: True
or both (use both ^ and $):
match ="^123$", "123")
Out: ‘123’
Precompiled patterns
import re
precompiled_pattern = re.compile(r"(\d+)")
matches ="The answer is 41!")
Out: 41
matches ="Or was it 42?")
Out: 42
Compiling a pattern allows it to be reused later on in a program. However, note that Python caches recently-used
expressions (docs, SO answer), so “programs that use only a few regular expressions at a time needn’t worry about compiling regular expressions”.
import re
precompiled_pattern = re.compile(r"(.*\d+)")
matches = precompiled_pattern.match("The answer is 41!")
Out: The answer is 41
matches = precompiled_pattern.match("Or was it 42?")
Out: Or was it 42
It can be used with re.match().
For some special cases we need to change the behavior of the Regular Expression, this is done using flags. Flags can be set in two ways, through the flags keyword or directly in the expression.
Flags keyword
Below an example for but it works for most functions in the re module.
m ="b", "ABC")
m is None
Out: True
m ="b", "ABC", flags=re.IGNORECASE)
Out: ‘B’
m ="a.b", "A\nBC", flags=re.IGNORECASE)
m is None
Out: True
m ="a.b", "A\nBC", flags=re.IGNORECASE|re.DOTALL)
Out: ‘A\nB’
Common Flags
Flag Short Description
, Makes the pattern ignore the case
, Makes,match everything including newlines
re.DOTALL re.S .
re.MULTILINE, re.M Makes ^ match the begin of a line and $ the end of a line
re.DEBUG Turns on debug information
For the complete list of all available flags check the docs
Inline flags
From the docs:
(?iLmsux) (One or more letters from the set 'i', 'L', 'm', 's', 'u', 'x'.)
The group matches the empty string; the letters set the corresponding flags: re.I (ignore case), re.L (locale dependent), re.M (multi-line), re.S (dot matches all), re.U (Unicode dependent), and re.X (verbose), for the entire regular expression. This is useful if you wish to include the flags as part of the regular expression, instead of passing a flag argument to the re.compile() function.
Note that the (?x) flag changes how the expression is parsed. It should be used first in the expression string, or after one or more whitespace characters. If there are non-whitespace characters before the flag, the results are undefined.
Replacements can be made on strings using re.sub.
Replacing strings
re.sub(r"t[0-9][0-9]", "foo", "my name t13 is t44 what t99 ever t44")
Out: 'my name foo is foo what foo ever foo'
Using group references
Replacements with a small number of groups can be made as follows:
re.sub(r"t([0-9])([0-9])", r"t\2\1", "t13 t19 t81 t25")
Out: ‘t31 t91 t18 t52’
However, if you make a group ID like ’10’, this doesn’t work: \10 is read as ‘ID number 1 followed by 0’. So you have to be more specific and use the \g notation:
re.sub(r"t([0-9])([0-9])", r"t\g<2>\g<1>", "t13 t19 t81 t25")
Out: 't31 t91 t18 t52'
Using a replacement function
items = ["zero", "one", "two"]
re.sub(r"a[([0-3])]", lambda match: items[int(], "Items: a[0], a[1], something, a[2]")
Out: ‘Items: zero, one, something, two’
Find All Non-Overlapping Matches
re.findall(r"[0-9]{2,3}", "some 1 text 12 is 945 here 4445588899")
Out: [’12’, ‘945’, ‘444’, ‘558’, ‘889’]
Note that the r before “[0-9]{2,3}” tells python to interpret the string as-is; as a “raw” string.
You could also use re.finditer() which works in the same way as re.findall() but returns an iterator with
SRE_Match objects instead of a list of strings:
results = re.finditer(r"([0-9]{2,3})", "some 1 text 12 is 945 here 4445588899")
Out: for result in results:
''' Out: 12 945 444 558
Checking for allowed characters
If you want to check that a string contains only a certain set of characters, in this case a-z, A-Z and 0-9, you can do so like this,
import re
def is_allowed(string):
characherRegex = re.compile(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9.]')
string =
return not bool(string)
print (is_allowed("abyzABYZ0099"))
Out: ‘True’
print (is_allowed("#*@#$%^"))
Out: ‘False’
You can also adapt the expression line from [^a-zA-Z0-9.] to [^a-z0-9.], to disallow uppercase letters for example.
Partial credit:
Splitting a string using regular expressions
You can also use regular expressions to split a string. For example,
import re
data = re.split(r'\s+', 'James 94 Samantha 417 Scarlett 74')
print( data )
Output: [‘James’, ’94’, ‘Samantha’, ‘417’, ‘Scarlett’, ’74’]
Grouping is done with parentheses. Calling group() returns a string formed of the matching parenthesized subgroups. # Group without argument returns the entire match found
Out: ‘123’ # Specifying 0 gives the same result as specifying no argument
Out: ‘123’
Arguments can also be provided to group() to fetch a particular subgroup.
From the docs:
If there is a single argument, the result is a single string; if there are multiple arguments, the result is a tuple with one item per argument.
Calling groups() on the other hand, returns a list of tuples containing the subgroups.
sentence = "This is a phone number 672-123-456-9910"
pattern = r".(phone).?([\d-]+)"
match = re.match(pattern, sentence)
match.groups() # The entire match as a list of tuples of the paranthesized subgroups # Out: ('phone', '672-123-456-9910') # The entire match as a string
Out: ‘This is a phone number 672-123-456-9910’ # The entire match as a string
Out: ‘This is a phone number 672-123-456-9910’ # The first parenthesized subgroup.
Out: ‘phone’ # The second parenthesized subgroup.
Out: ‘672-123-456-9910’, 2) # Multiple arguments give us a tuple.
Out: ('phone', '672-123-456-9910')
Named groups
match ='My name is (?P[A-Za-z ]+)', 'My name is John Smith')'name')
Out: ‘John Smith’
Out: ‘John Smith’
Creates a capture group that can be referenced by name as well as by index.
Non-capturing groups
Using (?:) creates a group, but the group isn’t captured. This means you can use it as a group, but it won’t pollute your “group space”.
re.match(r'(\d+)(+(\d+))?', '11+22').groups()
Out: (’11’, ‘+22′, ’22’)
re.match(r'(\d+)(?:+(\d+))?', '11+22').groups()
Out: (’11’, ’22’)
This example matches 11+22 or 11, but not 11+. This is since the + sign and the second term are grouped. On the other hand, the + sign isn’t captured.
Escaping Special Characters
Special characters (like the character class brackets [ and ] below) are not matched literally:
match ='[b]’, ‘a[b]c’)
Out: ‘b’
By escaping the special characters, they can be matched literally: match ='[b]', 'a[b]c')
match anything in parentheses and “throw it away”
match an apple
Out: ‘[b]’
The re.escape() function can be used to do this for you:
Out: ‘a\[b\]c’
match ='a[b]c'), 'a[b]c')
Out: ‘a[b]c’
The re.escape() function escapes all special characters, so it is useful if you are composing a regular expression based on user input:
username = 'A.C.' # suppose this came from the user
re.findall(r'Hi {}!'.format(username), 'Hi A.C.! Hi ABCD!')
Out: [‘Hi A.C.!’, ‘Hi ABCD!’]
re.findall(r'Hi {}!'.format(re.escape(username)), 'Hi A.C.! Hi ABCD!')
Out: [‘Hi A.C.!’]
Match an expression only in specific locations
Often you want to match an expression only in specific places (leaving them untouched in others, that is). Consider the following sentence:
An apple a day keeps the doctor away (I eat an apple everyday).
Here the “apple” occurs twice which can be solved with so called backtracking control verbs which are supported by the newer regex module. The idea is:
forget_this | or this | and this as well | (but keep this)
With our apple example, this would be:
import regex as re
string = "An apple a day keeps the doctor away (I eat an apple everyday)."
rx = re.compile(r'''
([^()]) (SKIP)(*FAIL)
''', re.VERBOSE)
apples = rx.findall(string)
only one
This matches “apple” only when it can be found outside of the parentheses.
Here’s how it works:
While looking from left to right, the regex engine consumes everything to the left, the (SKIP) acts as an “always-true-assertion”. Afterwards, it correctly fails on (FAIL) and backtracks.
Now it gets to the point of (SKIP) from right to left (aka while backtracking) where it is forbidden to go any further to the left. Instead, the engine is told to throw away anything to the left and jump to the point where the (SKIP) was invoked.
Iterating over matches using re.finditer
You can use re.finditer to iterate over all matches in a string. This gives you (in comparison to re.findall extra information, such as information about the match location in the string (indexes):
import re text = 'You can try to find an ant in this string' pattern = 'an?\w' # find 'an' either with or without a following word character for match in re.finditer(pattern, text): Start index of match (integer) sStart = match.start() Final index of match (integer) sEnd = match.end() Complete match (string) sGroup = Print match print('Match "{}" found at: [{},{}]'.format(sGroup, sStart,sEnd)) Result: Match "an" found at: [5,7] Match "an" found at: [20,22] Match "ant" found at: [23,26]
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